Right of Way at Castleknock Tennis Club (2019)

This page contains information about the Notice of Intention to Extinguish the Public Right of Way at Old Navan Road/Castleknock Tennis Club and the public consultation that is on display from Friday 8th February to Friday 8th March 2019. Submissions can be made until Friday 22nd March 2019.

This page is on the Riverwood Residents Association for convenience. The content is written by Damien Carbery, maintainer of this site and a regular user of the pedestrian bridge and tunnel to bring children to CETNS on Beechpark Avenue.

Don’t Panic

First off, don’t panic! The pedestrian tunnel and bridge over the M50 will not be closed. Extinguishing the right of way is necessary to allow Castleknock Lawn Tennis Club extend their indoor courts. Pedestrian access will be around the extended building.

Castleknock Lawn Tennis Club own part of the roadway and Fingal County Council own the rest.


In July 2015 Castleknock Lawn Tennis Club received planning permission to extend their indoor courts. This required removing a small portion of the Old Navan Road between Beechpark Avenue and the entrance to the tennis club.

The consultation to remove the right of way was originally run almost 3 years ago, in May 2016.

The consultation must not have been brought to the county council for approval and hence a new consultation is required.

Also, Castleknock Tennis Club never built the extension for which they have planning permission.

Plaza for tunnel access

You can see the plaza that the pedestrian tunnel will exit on to. With the proposed lighting on the plaza it looks like it will be a pleasant, well lit car-free area.
CLTC plaza

Cyclists approaching from Auburn Avenue may have safety issues accessing the plaza as they will have to turn right from Old Navan Road. Traffic from Beechpark Avenue will not be expecting such manoeuvres as the yield at the end of Beechpark Avenue will have been removed.


What if?

While highly unlikely…
Question: What if the tennis club builds the indoor courts extension but does not maintain access to the tunnel?
Answer: It is part of the planning permission conditions that the plaza be public and accessible. If this does not happen then Fingal County Council can serve an enforcement notice to force the tennis club to open access.


Contact Me

If you have any questions or suggestions for additional information for this page, please email me via the contact form on my website.