At the end of April (Wednesday 26th), three residents came out and planted over 30 whips near the pump house on Riverwood Chase. Fingal Operations provided bags of compost and lots of bark mulch.
For each whip a hole was dug, the whip and compost planted in and then the removed soil cumbled back over both and a mound of bark mulch placed around the base of the whip. They also planted some clumps of bluebells amongst the whips.
All in all it took about 4 hours. A few days later the three helpers returned and spent a few hours spreading the remaining bark mulch over the entire area.
One of the nearby residents watered the whips each day over the following week. Some children from the Little Apples Pre-School also watered them.
The helpers
Mary, the third helper was camera shy.
The result
Three weeks later
The whips are doing well, with leaves growing from all except two.