Whip planting in Riverwood Chase

Earlier this year we applied for free trees from Trees for Communities. We recently received 50 ‘whips’ of a variety of native trees. Whips are very young trees that look like short thin branches. These whips are ready to be planted.

We walked through the estate with a view to plant a few whips beside existing established trees in the estate. When we contacted Fingal’s Coolmine Operations for input they suggested planting them in a single location (like how the Laurel Lodge Environmental Group planted whips at the front of Laurel Lodge Park – photos below). Using a single location prevents accidental damage when the grass is being cut or when people are walking past them. We met FCC Operations on site and agreed on the unused area beside the pump house on Riverwood Chase.

The proposed location of the whips is in an oval between the two trees and the pump house fencing.

To help visualise the proposed planting, here are photos that the LLEG took of similar whip planting:

Please contact us if have any questions.