Active FCC public consultations

Fingal County Council runs numerous public consultations each year. You can browse them at their Online Consultation Portal.

The following two consultations are open at the moment:

Draft Heritage Signage Guidance

The “Draft Heritage Signage and Heritage Trail Guidance” has been developed to provide clear direction and advice to the public and stakeholders on the best practice, procedures and requirements for the development of heritage signage and heritage trails in Fingal; to safeguard the amenity and enjoyment of public spaces and areas by ensuring appropriate heritage signage within these public places and to establish an agreed process for the integrated development of heritage signage and heritage trails across the County.

Draft Heritage Signage Guidance Deadline Friday 29 January 2021.

The Forest of Fingal, A Tree Strategy for Fingal

The Draft Tree Strategy “The Forest of Fingal, A Tree Strategy for Fingal” comprises of an Executive Summary and Written Statement set out in Five “Parts” for ease of reference. To make a submission on this Draft Strategy you can access each “Part” of the document in turn and you can then express your level of agreement with its contents and/or comment on the document. An option to make general observations in relation to Fingal’s Trees is also available. Following this, a revised strategy document will be presented to the Council for formal adoption.

The Forest of Fingal, A Tree Strategy for Fingal. Deadline Sunday 28 March 2021