Fingal PPN is sending out regular emails with HSE COVID-19 information to registered organisations like Riverwood Residents Association. The emails include a link to HSE COVID-19 Posters and Resources.
Here is the information from the latest email.
Cocooning video
This video explains cocooning.
15 minutes of daily activity and fitness – running daily
In support of people cocooning at this time, RTE has launched a 15 minute programme to help older people to keep active at home. It will be broadcast daily on RTÉ One at 2.20pm. It will help viewers who are at home and some in self-isolation or cocooning and will offer tips, especially to older viewers, on how to keep healthy and happy.
Fitness 15 will be hosted Monday to Friday at 2.20 PM on with Ray Lally, the Today Show fitness expert, and Dáithí Ó Sé.
Resources for people with dementia, their families and carers
Online resources for people dementia, their families and carers and a booklet of activities which can be carried out at home have also been added.
Irish sign language videos
Irish Sign Language videos are available online here . There are five videos, each covering a different section of the COVID-19 information booklet.
Mental Wellbeing Campaign
The Mental Well-being campaign was launched recently. The campaign offers support and resources for people to help deal with the stress, isolation and helps people maintain well-being and cope at home during this time. The campaign is running on all National and Local radio channels, as well as across social and digital platforms. The website is and the hashtag is #Together.