Street BBQ – Want one on your road?

Each summer a number of areas within Riverwood host a Street BBQ for residents of those areas e.g. Riverwood Glen, Riverwood Place and Riverwood Dale/Vale. A resident from Riverwood Chase has suggested that this be extended throughout the estate.

At the March meeting the committee and the resident brain stormed the idea. We agreed to try to encourage residents in the other areas to organise a Street BBQ for their road. One of the committee gave a summary of how the BBQ in Place works and how it is a collaborative effort. They have been running for the last 8 years!

Instead of organising a single big BBQ for the entire estate, with the complications that it would bring, it will be easier, better and more productive to have multiple smaller BBQs spread throughout the estate. For example, the Place one is limited to about 20 houses.

Why host a local BBQ?

  • It’s a great, easy way to socialise with your neighbours and can give a greater sense of security actually knowing the people living on your road.
  • It’s much easier and less intimidating than a large BBQ.

What is involved?

  • We need to determine the interest of residents in each area.
  • Collect money (e.g. €20) from those residents.
  • Create a group from each road who would help with the clean up after the event.

Still interested?

If you are interesting in being part of a Street BBQ for your road then please complete the form below and we’ll get back to you to get things going.

[contact-form-7 id=”1037″ title=”Street BBQ”]