The Garda Crime Prevention section recently launched a “Park Smart Appeal” to educate motorists about theft from vehicles and how to minimise it.
Some facts
- 38% of all vehicles broken into were left unlocked
- Driveway is a common location for these thefts
- Over 50% of these thefts occur overnight (midnight to 7am)
Tips to Prevent Theft
- Whether you park your car or van, take your property with you
- Ensure your car is locked, alarmed and parked in a safe location
- Store your keys safely, away from windows and letterboxes
- Don’t leave coins visible in cup holder (thief will assume that there is more money to steal)
- Add a second, visible lock on van doors
- Consider using a steering wheel lock
Cash Security
- Avoid using cash if possible
- Conceal all cash when entering and exiting the bank/post offices/credit unions
- Do not leave cash in unattended vehicles
- Be aware of your own personal security, and report anything suspicious to the GardaĆ as soon as possible
More information
The Park Smart Appeal page has more information tips and a helpful video.