Report of Joint Enrolment Policy Meeting

Two members from the Riverwood Residents Association committee had a meeting with the chairs of the Boards of Management from LCC and CCC, the principal of CCC and deputy principal of LCC.

Both committee members have been involved with the Joint Enrolment Policy (JEP) debate right from start, back in early 2011. They both have a very good understanding of the JEP.

The committee members put a list of questions to the representatives of the schools and gave their opinions and the opinions of parents from Riverwood at that meeting.

A subcommittee of the BOMs of LCC and CCC was set up in to undertake the review of the JEP. This subcommittee has:

  1. Met the principals of both schools
  2. Met the parents associations of both schools
  3. Met residents associations living in the area
  4. Created a survey. It was completed by over 400 people, with the data being broken down by the subcommittee and final recommendations will be brought before BOMs in early 2018.

In 2018 the BOMs will make final decisions on the catchment boundaries.