When/where: Blanchardstown Garda Station on Thursday 6th October
Present: Representatives from residents associations from Castleknock, Carpenterstown, and 10 other areas. Riverwood Residents Association was represented by two committee members. The following is an analysis of what was discussed.
- There is an increase in the theft of bicycles in the Dublin 15 area including Riverwood estate and the town centre. The Gardai advise that if you own an expensive bicycle have an expensive lock. (Dublin Cycling Campaign produced a video with some advice)
- In the last three months there were 21 instances of criminal damage.
- 3 persons were charged with attempted burglary in Dublin 15
- There are now 3 to 4 Garda cars patrolling on call at any one time in Dublin 15, Finglas and Cabra.
- In the last three months there were 600 stop and searches for drugs in Dublin 15.
The advice from Gardai is to report any material being stockpiled or transported for bon fires especially in the week leading up to Halloween. They need the public’s help in tackling this. Report these movements to the Community Gardai at 6667020 (leave a message) or ring 999 or 112. There will be a strategy in place in the lead up to the night.
Gardai have visited petrol stations, garages, and building sites reminding them not to supply any flammable materials which will be used for bon fires. Anyone with skips in their garden should be aware not to leave any items which may be used.
Gardai and Fingal County Council met last week and have put a plan in place for Halloween weekend. Fingal are considering opening up the recycling centre free of charge to dispose of any waste on the lead up to Halloween.
- Advice from the Gardai as the dark nights are closing in is to insure that if you are not home before dark to leave lamps on timers so your house is not left in darkness. It is houses in darkness which are targeted for break-ins.
- Bogus clothes collections. We have come across flyers with phone numbers which when checked are not genuine. Leaving bags outside encourages bogus collectors to check out your house. Bring all bags to the recycling centre or charity shops.
- Do not leave keys on hall tables or hanging on hooks in the hallway. There is a method of ‘fishing’ using an expandable rod to take your keys through the letter box.
- Use your alarms at night and at all times when you leave the house. Your house insurance may not cover you if your house is broken into when the alarm was switched off.
- Gardai are warning of bogus workers in the area. Be cautious of workmen looking to fix roofs, guttering or cleaning windows. Don’t let anyone into your home without first checking for I.D and checking phone numbers first.
- The Riverwood residents’ association website has a list of tried and trusted workmen who have been used and approved by residents over the years.
- Callers reporting to be from Fingal, Sky, and other organisations should be asked for ID and if necessary check with the organisation they represent. If you as suspicious of anyone calling to your home call a neighbour and the Gardai and try to get a make and reg of the car or van.
Gardai advise to leave your bins in the back garden if possible as they are being used to climb over walls and into the back gardens.
Riverwood dangerous bends
We asked the Gardai about dangerous bends in Riverwood as the committee identified 5 dangerous situations in our estate. The procedure is to identify and sketch out maps of these dangerous junctions and meet with the road engineers of Fingal County Council to have them accessed.
Abandoned Cars
A car parked for a time without tax and insurance and NCT and is parked in a common area me be removed by Fingal County Council after written warnings have been issued. The Gardai can get involved if the car/van/truck is causing a nuisance.
The next meeting due with the Gardai will be in January 2017.