Draft Fingal Development Plan available for review

The Draft Fingal Development Plan 2017-2023 is available for review. Submissions can be made up to Friday 29 April 2016.

The map of Blanchardstown South includes Riverwood. It has numbers that are explained in Appendix 6: Map based local objectives.
The items of interest to residents of Riverwood include:

121 Preserve the existing pedestrian and vehicular right of way at the level crossing at Porterstown)

125 Preserve the existing pedestrian and vehicular right of way at the Coolmine Level Crossing

126 Prohibit any road bridge at this location (at Riverwood Court/Hall)

127 Car parking provision associated with the train station shall be two storey or less (at Coolmine train station)

135 Provide for a public car park (at Porterstown Park)

We encourage residents to read the various documents and consider making a submission. Please contact us if you read anything in the documents that we should bring to residents.