A number of adult tennis coaching programmes are starting this month. All are being held at the tennis courts in Sycamore Avenue.
Sycamore Avenue tennis courts
- Cardio Tennis programme: Eight consecutive Tuesdays starting September 15th. Time: 10.00-11.00.
Fee: €35 per eight-session programme. - Coaching for beginners starting Thursday, September 17th. Time: 11.00-12.00.
Fee: €35 per eight-session programme.
All welcome. No previous tennis experience necessary. - Coaching for improver/advanced players starting Thursday, September 17th. Time: 10.00-11.00.
Fee: €35 per eight-session programme.
Combined fee of €60 if participating in both Tuesday and Thursday morning sessions.
Enquiries to: castleknockcommunitycentre@gmail.com or 086-835-1475.
Carpenterstown Community Tennis Club
Coaching programmes organised by Carpenterstown Community Tennis Club at Sycamore Avenue tennis courts resume in September 2015. All welcome.
Schedule: Separate coaching programmes begin on Tuesday, September 8th, at 19.15 and Friday, September 11th, also at 19.15. Both continue until end of September. Classes will then be scheduled for Saturday afternoons.
Enquiries to: Barbara O’Donoghue at 086-829-9059 or carpenterstowntc@gmail.com