Junior tennis coaching starts Saturday 7 May

Registration for Parks Tennis tennis coaching will take place at the Riverwood tennis courts at 10am on Saturday 7 May.

The coaching is conducted by a qualified coaches. The classes are open to boys and girls between 6 years and 17 years, irrespective of their tennis experience. The fee for 8 weeks is €20.

Hourly classes take place between 10am and 1pm. Children are allocated a class according to their age.

  • 10am class: 6 – 8 year olds.
  • 11am class: 9 – 11 year olds.
  • 12pm class: 12 years and older.

If you do not have a racquet one will be loaned to you.

Also, do not worry if you miss the first week, children can sign up at anytime during the programme.

This programme is subsidised by Fingal County Council & The Irish Sports Council.

Phone 833-8711 or email parkstennis@eircom.net or go to ParksTennis.com if you need further information.